Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Effects Of Plagiarism - 1143 Words

Plagiarism hinders intellectual advancement. The problems of plagiarism have been discussed for hundreds of years. With technologies, plagiarism becomes a fairly common practice in recent years. Plagiarism is actually recognized as a dishonest act from the 18th century when the original literature takes on more value within society. Readers want to read new creations of ideas and words from writers instead of seeing them polish the writings that have already been emitted. Writers are able at this moment to earn money with their works and they are entitled to ask for a fine to the one who steals their writings (â€Å"Plagiarism: is plagiarism a serious offense†). This problem can be seen both on a legal and pedagogical level. The pedagogical†¦show more content†¦Often the mixing of ideas leads to total confusion. A third way of practicing plagiarism is, to paraphrase. You probably wonder how this can be considered as a plagiarism if the words of the author have not bee n used. It is true that the writing has been modified by the use of different words, but the idea does not come from own self. If the source is not mentioned in this case this method is part of the plagiarism (â€Å"Plagiarism and integrity in research†). In student life, other types of plagiarism involve using the help of a third person for the writing of an assignment that should be personal by using paid sites or working in a team or even distorting or by inventing the reference list. Various reasons for plagiarism exist, whereby involuntary plagiarism may be attributed to the incomprehension of the rules of citations or to ignorance of what is plagiarism and the consequences thereof. In literature, studies have shown that the factors favoring plagiarism are poor in ethics and especially didactics and knowledge attribute for scientific writing. â€Å"Writers may use the original text because they lack confidence to express their views and opinions in English, or because they doubt their ability to convey the real essence of original publication† (â€Å"The confounding factors leading to plagiarism in academic writing and some suggested remedies: A systematic review†). Other reasons facilitating plagiarism is that information is very accessible on the internet allowingShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Plagiarism Essay947 Words   |  4 PagesPlagiarism, one of the main problems of academic life, is a simple subject to describe, but hard to avoid. It can be simply put in this way as in The Cambridge Dictionary; to use another persons idea or a part of their work and pretend that it is your own. As defined clearly in the dictionary, plagiarism is nothing but stealing someone else’s work. And yes, it is wrong to plagiarize, but most of the people continue to do it. One of the reasons for this is the ones who plagiarize don’t know whatRead MorePlagiarism And Its Effects On Students862 Words   |  4 Pagescheating. Plagiarism is defined as theft of ideas or work from others (Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2003). This can happen either accidentally or consciously. Higher education institutions now prioritize on educating the students on plagiarism to prevent it from happening. Institutions also set penalties when dishonesty occurs. The students’ understanding of plagiarism is critical in averting accidental or conscious cheating during their student and professional career. Plagiarism has manyRead MorePlagiarism And Its Effect On Students1742 Words   |  7 Pagesme even though an individual is uninformed on how plagiarism works. That does not necessarily mean that they re incapable of managing to learn as they go and apply the information being learned or taught about plagiarism in a classroom setting or on campus. With all things considered, if professors and administrators were to revise the policy they would be perceived as being immensely sympathetic in relation to student s actions towards plagiarism. Provided that this would then permit the studentRead MorePlagiarism And Its Effect On The Academic Assessment System3365 Words   |  14 PagesIntroduction In the age of advance technology and internet, plagiarism has become an increasingly complex issue. Petress (2003) argues that such phenomenon distorts the rewarding sense of hard work, destroys ethical value of honesty and undermines the academic assessment systems. Moreover, (Gullifer Tyson, 2010) believe that plagiarism denies students’ chances to develop essential academic skills and consequently causes difficulty to progress their degree. As a result, many western and AustralianRead MorePlagiarism Declaration And Its Effect On The Process Of Anonymous Marking2134 Words   |  9 Pagesidentification of work once marking is complete, and for you to make a plagiarism declaration. Please ensure that you fill in all parts of the form. Please note that you should hand work in by the prescribed method only. Plagiarism Declaration (By completing this form you are making the declaration below.) The work I have submitted, in accordance with University College Regulations, is all my own work and contains no plagiarism from books, articles, the internet or anyone else’s work. Where I haveRead MorePlagiarism By Robert J. Youmans900 Words   |  4 PagesPlagiarism in the Classroom Plagiarism has long since been an issue- especially in the classroom. Students try to pass off other people’s work as their own, sometimes stealing ideas, other times even entire papers. In Melissa D’Annunzio’s Ted Talk, â€Å"The Punishable Perils of Plagiarism†, she illustrates the severity of plagiarism through an animated video. In the video, there’s a fake department in charge of tracking down people who plagiarize and then throwing them in jail. By making up this scenarioRead MoreHow Plagiarism Affect Student s Life1270 Words   |  6 PagesHow Many Different Ways of Plagiarism Will Affect Student s Life Generally, plagiarizing is explained as peering other author’s opinions. It breaks the rules of conventions such as originated text and author’s thoughts. Also, plagiarizing lessens the author’s security to hold their property. So, plagiarized essay is not writer’s own possession (Nall, Gherwash, N.D). On the other hand, many students resort to misconduct. This can be resulted in punishments if they would not stop using doingRead MorePlagiarism and the Deterioration of Ethical Values Essay1007 Words   |  5 PagesWhat comes to ones mind when we think about plagiarism, according to Webster-Merriams’ dictionary plagiarism is â€Å"the act stealing and passing off (the ideas and words of others) as ones own† (Webster-Merriam). Webster seems to have left a little something out, plagiarism is not just the act of stealing ones work, it is also the result of ethical deterioration of academic integrity. In discussion of plagiarism, a controversial issue is whether plagiarism is taken serious enough and what the severityRead More Plagiarism - An Ever-increasing Problem Essays1097 Words   |  5 PagesPlagiarism - An Ever-increasing Problem Plagiarism has been a problem to academic institutions for centuries. Plagiarism basically means taking credit for somebody else’s work. The technical definition of plagiarism, as used by State University, is presenting work done (in whole or in part) by someone else as if it were ones own. Dishonest practices that go hand in hand with plagiarism include faking or falsification of data, cheating, or the uttering of false statements by a student inRead MoreCritique Of - Applying Ethical Theories: Interpreting and Responding to Student Plagiarism, Journal of Business Ethics1310 Words   |  6 PagesStudent Plagiarism, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 72, pp 293-306. Summary Plagiarism in todays â€Å"copy and paste generation† is an unremitting, complex issue that is not yet fully understood. The paper responds to this proposition with a thesis that understanding the ethical reasoning provided by students in defending plagiarism is crucial in preventing it in student populations. The reasons can provide the basis for specific action-orientated recommendations to reduce plagiarism and to design

Monday, December 16, 2019

Details of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay

Details of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay You also ought to understand or know that a college essay differs from a top-education producing assignment which you're currently conscious of and contains several choices. There are several persuasive essay topics to select from to finish your high school or college assignment. Once you are able to accomplish this, you're promised an excellent grade. To have a personalized paper written on any greater persuasive essay topics for college students, click the order now button to file your request. When it has to do with writing essays on father, perhaps it doesn't seem too tough a job, as there can be so many things to speak about daddy. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering a notion that might be a huge deal to another person. All of it starts off with the option of the appropriate subject issue. Therefore if at all one writes an essay on her or his father, it has to be something which makes it meaningful for the gorgeous relationship between the father and the kid. Most Noticeable Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay If you still don't understand how to prepare an intriguing speech, EssayShark can assist you. Naturally, giving a fantastic persuasive speech requires more than simply selecting an excellent topic. To deliver a fantastic persuasive speech, you should select a topic. While it can be hard to pick from such a selection of persuasive speech topics, consider which of the above you've got the most knowledge of and can argue your opinion on. The sample stipulates the notion of listing of impressive steps, which makes it simpler to extensive the specific activity. Be certain the images are clear and appear professional. Learn which of the topics, you currently have a fairly good background on which will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. Many people wind up covering the very same tired top ics they see in the media daily, just because they can't produce a better idea. The Benefits of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay If you are bewildered about how to compose a persuasive essay, this guide will allow you to comprehend everything that you must get started. If you're still fighting to learn to compose a very good persuasive essay, you're lucky to have run into the perfect guide. What's more, you also learn to balance an essay. Be certain you define the objectives of your essay clearly ever since your essay is dependent upon your approach. Additional you can get persuasive with your essay. Informative essays are somewhat more descriptive. Don't forget that if you pick a fantastic title for your work, it gets really easy that you proceed with it and present a great paper generally speaking. Thus, you can receive a very very good grade with no writing a brand-new paper. Another good idea is to receive some completely free essay examples of different kinds and on various subjects to find a general idea of the way in which a prosperous debatable paper looks. At precisely the same time, it's a wonderful persuasive essay idea. Unlike the standard techniques of course creation, the agile method provides some important advantages that will make sure your results are outstanding yet also efficient. Highly Interactive Agile instructional design is heavily cen tered on the learners and how they are going to interact with the class material. With the recommendations on developing an institution request essay, you've got to attempt to keep in mind a single! When you must compose an essay for Finance, Management, Marketing or on any other small business topic, you have to stick to a specific algorithm and common business writing guidelines to accomplish the intended result. Persuasive writing is part of our life. Usually, however, a poetry may be recognized by its type. See if you were able to improve your essays clarity and enhance your style. For instance, poets bring their workout from character along with different experiences. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Then you can undoubtedly begin writing. An outline is quite a superior instrument for organizing the thoughts and arguments so they could be displayed in a logical sequence in your organiza tion essay. Make your order for a one-of-a-kind and strong persuasive essay at a better score. How to Choose Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay Washboard abs tired of a person adventure, you will be able to choose every as a consequence of, you'll get a variety of selections. The essay on the topic of the sporting events stress exhibits only that you just don't understand how lucky you actually are. These points illustrate how to compose a persuasive essay step-by-step. Hence, if you are going to adhere to the preceding suggestions then you might have the ability to compose your argumentative persuasive essay in virtually no time. Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay - the Conspiracy You have to know all parts of financial topics when you choose them. On the opposing side, acquiring a list of good persuasive essay topics is insufficient. Obviously, it's the topics you may have a tiny laugh about! A student ought to keep in contact with the hottest trends and know which persuasive essay topics are related to sound convincing in regards to defending personal opinions. The Nuiances of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay Clearly, you do best college essays not want to write a whole lot of words without that means, so be certain to write about only one topic at one time. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to create the reader want to talk about the interesting persuasive essay topics of your selection. Hence, you have to first understand the significance of prejudice if you wish to compose excellent essays on prejudice for the essay exams. There are two kinds of business essays. Jiqsaw Vague ideas alongside others are suggestions of recent night-life which can be found on the internet. It's improbable to imagine a contented persons becoming impatient and hostile in regards to others. The person who has the superi or vocabulary has the understanding of utilizing the correct words. The Start of Suggestions of a Good Persuasive Topics for an Essay The major distinction is that the argumentative essay should demonstrate a discussion instead of a single opinion. The primary goal of topic choice for a proposal essay is to show the idea can be put into place in practice. Figure out the precise wording and determine the approach you're going to utilize in your essay. Evidently, persuasive essays need substantial research, complete consciousness of the reader's biases together with a deep comprehension of each side of the matter.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Jury Of Her Peers A Character free essay sample

A Jury Of Her Peers: A Character Analysis Essay, Research Paper As in the instance of most, if non all, good allegorical narratives, the primary impact of the narrative is strongly influenced by the writer? s elaborate word picture of the scene, every bit good as the characters? feelings and passions. Surely such is the instance in Susan Glaspell? s narrative? A Jury of Her Peers? . Here we see a profusion of word picture and scene that is elusive at first reading, but becomes clearer as the narrative evolves. In the concluding analysis, it becomes clear merely who the jury is and the result of their corporate finding of fact. It is by the usage of allegorical and metaphorical rhetoric that the tenseness of the narrative is maintained so really good. Initially we are introduced to a adult female, Mrs. Hale, who foremost seems dramatis personae as a cardinal character, if non the cardinal focal point of the narrative? s secret plan. We will write a custom essay sample on A Jury Of Her Peers A Character or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By usage of this literary recreation, the reader is deliberately mislead by concentrating on the inside informations of the forms of her life and her overall guiding idea processes. For illustration, in Paragraph 1, we are shown the construct of Mrs. Hale? s built-in inherent aptitude for? spruceness? , ? her staff of life all ready for blending, half the flour sifted and half unsifted? . Although this appears as a apparently innocuous item, it subsequently becomes a cardinal point as the secret plan develops, in that this trait seems to be straight opposite the nature of the accused. Mrs. Hale is shown to be a individual of spruceness and item ; no occupation is to be left unfinished, and high importance is attached to maintaining a? proper? family. She is shown to be a strong adult female, a adult female of rule, who is concerned, if non outright ashamed, of her failure to be a good neighbour. In direct comparing to Mrs. Hale, we meet her fellow plotter, Mrs. Peters, the married w oman of the sheriff. It is interesting to observe that while the writer makes it clear that Mrs. Hale is good suited for her function in life, that of a husbandman? s married woman, Mrs. Peters seems to be ill at easiness being the married woman of a law officer. She ab initio seems to miss the really force of character that is required of person of authorization, yet we understand as the secret plan is developed that she is alternatively a adult female of every bit strong strong beliefs and character, and a individual who can and will, in the concluding analysis, rise to the juncture. Finally, we are introduced to the character around which the narrative is centered, the accurst murderess, Mrs. Wright. She is depicted to be a individual of great life and verve in her younger old ages, yet her life as Mrs. Wright is portrayed as one of inexorable sameness, keeping a humourless day-to-day swot, devoid of life as we regard it in a normal societal sense. Although it is clear to the rea der that Mrs. Wright is so the perpetrator, she is portrayed sympathetically because of that really deficiency of normality in her day-to-day modus operandi. Where she was one time a miss of merriment and laughter, it is clear that over the old ages she has been forced into a recluse shell by a matrimony to a adult male who has been singularly oppressive. It is every bit clear that she eventually was brought to her personal breakage point, covering with her state of affairs in a mode that was at one time concluding and yet inconclusive, depending on the result of the legal probe. It is noteworthy that regardless of the result, Mrs. Wright had eventually realized a province of peace within herself, a province which had been denied her for the continuance of her relationship with the deceased. For intents of character and secret plan development, the work forces in the narrative are otiose for the most portion. Their major part to the narrative is their good-natured disdain of adult f emales in general, and a adult female? s ability for understanding. In this instance, this ignorance on their portion is a fatal defect that is at the same clip a familiar 1. As worlds, we all are egoistic by nature, and it is merely through witting attempt and will make worlds go able to to the full see and appreciate those elusive niceties that form the complete human mind. We besides note that the work forces? s? attack to the probe is based on their experience with other work forces for the most portion. The nuance of the female head escapes their attending wholly ; in fact, it is a topic of derision. This is in direct resistance to the? probe? conducted by the adult females. Although they themselves are merely mistily familiar with the accused, they are al so really familiar with, and sympathetic of, the predicament of her day-to-day modus operandi. The scene set by the writer ; the broken range, the threadbare apparels, the soiled pots ; all contribute to making a sense of empathy on the portion of the reader for Mrs. Wright. We know the facts of the instance as presented in the narrative. Mr. Wright, of all time the dour one, with small to no grasp for the beauty of life, imposed his overbearing will upon his married woman one clip excessively many. By taking from her the lone thing in life that she genuinely cherished, he in consequence destroyed all that was left inside her that was good, pure and still comparatively stainless. By his wanton violent death of her bird, he committed the unpardonable wickedness ; he crossed the line formed by her interior feelings by taking from her the last trace of all that she of all time held close and beloved to her bosom. It is every bit clear to the reader that the act of slaying was one which was non a affair of impulse so much as it was a deliberate act based on old ages of mental and matrimonial maltreatment. Although the existent violent death was in all likeliness non premeditated, the idea form taking up to the existent act had been long in formation. That Mrs. Wright had been abused to the point of despair was eventually and clearly understood by the two adult females who were the? equals? organizing Mrs. Wright? s? jury? . The stating inside informations centre on the unfinished undertaking of seting the sugar off, and in the untidy stitching of a little piece of the unfinished comforter. We can easy visualise what occurred: Mr. Wright, after taking from his married woman the lone thing she genuinely still cared for, caused her to go overwrought to the point of entire distraction and rage. This is evidenced by the fact that, although the bulk of the sewing was really precise, that one piece was a entire muss. It is non an accident that this really piece of sewing covered the concluding resting topographic point of the bird. It is besides really noteworthy that the dead bird rested in a beautiful box that evidently was one of the last things Mrs. Wright considered of value in her life. The correlativity between the bird and the box is really strong ; both represented the loss of all that she of all time held close and beloved to her bosom. The loss of them virtually at the same time became the last straw for Mrs. Wright. We can conceive of her province of head as she sat in daze after witnessing the devastation of all that she had left in her life to love and keep beloved. The fact that she put the bird in the box, that last leftover of happier times, increases the poignancy experienced by the cardinal characters every bit good as the reader. The ocular mirror drawn by the writer between the vocalizing of the bird and that of the immature Mrs. Wright strongly suggests the affinity between her and the vocalizing of the bird. It wasn? t the bir d so much that kept her sane, every bit much as what it represented to her of her lost young person and former life. When the bird was needlessly killed, it was as if in making so, Mr. Wright symbolically? murdered? the last trace of his married woman? s? artlessness and young person which was the lone component still prolonging her in her inexorable being. In taking from her all that she genuinely loved, it was as if her hubby physically destroyed the cardinal nucleus component of his ain married woman. This intervention she could no long tolerate. In her defence, the other adult females understood all excessively clearly what had driven her to perpetrate the title. The concluding sarcasm of the narrative is the mode of despatch ; Mr. Wright was murdered in a mode that was wholly consistent with his married woman? s sense of justness. The fact that he besides was choked until dead reflects wondrous the justness required for his wringing of the bird? s cervix. Note that although the re was a gun in the house it was non used. Merely by taking his life in the mode that he lived was justness to the full and wholly served. This is a fantastic narrative that stands on its ain virtue. It is an even greater narrative when considered in visible radiation of the symbolic and allegorical elements contained in this. The writer? s consummate usage of apparently elusive and unrelated elements is woven into a complex tapestry that illustrates to the full the complexness that is the human status. One can merely trust that the? jury? s? concluding finding of fact was a adhering one. Bibliography Original Work. James Harris # 8220 ; A Jury of Her Peers # 8211 ; A Character Analysis # 8221 ; , Jackson: 2000

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Policy Recommendation free essay sample

The difficulty with any definition of poverty involves the meaning of minimum needs and the amount of money required to satisfy these needs. (Ansel M. Sharp, 2010) Those in poverty sometimes face an additional obstacle to earning an adequate income. Discrimination as we use it means that equals are treated unequally or that the ‘unequal’s are treated equally. Discrimination exists in the labor market when people with equal productivity are paid different wages or people with differences in productivity are paid equal wages. Discrimination can also exist in the product market when consumers pay different prices for the same product. (Ansel M. Sharp, Evidence of Discrimination in Our Economy, 2010) Discuss the major impact to society of the problem. In 2001, some six-point-eight million families, or nine-point-two percent of all families, lived in poverty. This translates into more than thirty-two-point-nine million individuals, a staggering number to many Americans who have never been personally touched by poverty. We will write a custom essay sample on Policy Recommendation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Indeed, some have characterized those who live in poverty as the hidden poor. Studies have shown that there is a significant turnover in the poverty population: Families and single individuals move into and out of poverty several times throughout the years in response to significant life events. Although no reliable estimate exists for the number of hardcore poverty cases, the incidence of poverty can be easily seen to vary dramatically across a number of demographic characteristics. (Ansel M. Sharp, What is Poverty? , 2010) Just imagine searching through heaping piles of refuse at landfills, looking for anything that could seem partly edible, to satisfy an unending hunger. Many people around the world face this situation every day of their lives. What could have caused a situation like this to occur? The education and skill level, health or handicap status, and discrimination play a vital role in poverty. A major factor determining whether someone will end up living in poverty, education or skill level can make or break an income. Education plays a vital role in acquiring jobs, learning new skills, and bringing home necessities and comforts of life. A person who doesn’t receive an education has a very small chance of making much money and acquiring skills that would bring home a desirable income. Many who do not have an education bring their family into a cycle of poverty, where their posterity doesn’t necessarily have the income to go to college or even don’t have a desire to acquire a high school diploma. Poverty rates are higher among families with only one parent or head of household present. Poverty is also related to age, those very young and those very old have higher rates of poverty than those in their prime and middle-age years. The economic cause of poverty is family incomes depend on the quantities of resources that families can place in employment and the prices received for those resources. To understand poverty, then, it is important to understand what determines the prices paid for human and capital resources and what determines the quantities that can be employed. Under competitive market conditions, the basic principle of wage rate determination is that units of any kind of labor tend to be paid a price equal to any one worker’s contribution to an employer’s total receipts. In other words, workers are paid about what they are worth to employers. What a worker is worth to an employer is referred to by economists as the marginal revenue product of labor. (Ansel M. Sharp, The Economic Causes of Poverty, 2010) Market discrimination may be traced to two primary sources. These are the power to discriminate in the market and the desire to discriminate. In our complex market economy, the wages of workers vary widely. Even workers hired by the same employer to perform similar jobs are often paid different wage rates. The meaning of wage discrimination is clear enough: unequal pay for equal contributions. But proving discrimination depends on being able to distinguish among individuals on the basis of individual efforts and productivity. Generally, humans are paid pproximately what they are worth in a competitive economy. (Ansel M. Sharp, Evidence of Discrimination in Our Economy, 2010) Employment discrimination means that some people are not hired because of non-economic characteristics such as race or gender. Two individuals with the same training, education, and experience apply for a job, however one is black and one is white. If both do not have the same chance of getting the job, discrimination has entered into the decision-making process. There is a growing belief that discriminatory differences in pay, especially gender differences in pay, occur largely because of occupational segregation. In general, men work in occupations that employ very few women, and women work in occupations that employ very few men. The economic results of occupational segregation for women are low wages. Women are often relegated to occupations where productivity and experience have little to do with their status and where opportunities for overtime and premium pay are limited. Price discrimination occurs when people of different races or genders are forced to pay different prices for the same good or service, provided the differences are not due to differences in cost of serving the consumer. (Ansel M. Sharp, Evidence of Discrimination in Our Economy, 2010) It may seem that racism and discrimination doesn’t exist anymore in the US, with the election of an African American as president, but discrimination still harbors here. To see discrimination first hand, just travel south a few hundred miles where pickup trucks still have the Confederate flag painted on their cabs and many houses have a Confederate flag flying, which a minority in the area views as racist. Discrimination has played a huge role in shaping economies and creating poverty; women, for instance, still reflect a small portion of engineering and higher income job percentages. A report from http://www. yemenpost. net/23/Reports/20081. htm says that women have a 600 percent higher unemployment rate and receive, at average, 13 percent less money than men do while having the same occupations and getting the same work done. Discrimination still affects the poverty rate and unemployment. Design a proposed economic policy solution to the problem. According to text, there are two approaches and only the government can really solve this problem to easing poverty. First, the productivity of the employable poor can be increased. This can be accomplished through ubsidized education of the children of the poor, adult training and education programs, counseling and guidance, job placement programs, and the elimination of discrimination. Second, a minimum annual income can be guaranteed. Income-support programs are required to aid those who are unproductive and those who have low productivity. (Ansel M. Sharp, Government Attempts To Allievate Poverty, 2010) Dr. Martin L uther King said it best, his exact words are; â€Å"two conditions are indispensable if we are to ensure that the guaranteed income operates as a consistently progressive measure. First, it must be pegged to the median income of society, not the lowest levels of income. To guarantee an income at the floor would simply perpetuate welfare standards and freeze into the society poverty conditions. Second, the guaranteed income must be dynamic; it must automatically increase as the total social income grows. Were it permitted to remain static under growth conditions, the recipients would suffer a relative decline. If periodic reviews disclose that the whole national income has risen, then the guaranteed income would have to be adjusted upward by the same percentage. Without these safeguards a creeping retrogression would occur, nullifying the gains of security and stability. This proposal is not a civil rights program, in the sense that that term is currently used. The program would benefit all the poor, no matter what race you are. He hoped that both race would act in coalition to effect this change, because their combined strength will be necessary to overcome the fierce opposition we must realistically anticipate. Our nations adjustment to a new mode of thinking will be facilitated if we realize that for nearly forty years two groups in our society have already been enjoying a guaranteed income. Indeed, it is a symptom of our confused social values that these two groups turn out to be the richest and the poorest. The wealthy who own securities have always had an assured income; and their polar opposite, the relief client, has been guaranteed an income, however miniscule, through welfare benefits. † (Jr. , 1967) Having said that; economists, social workers, and the general public alike widely criticized the old welfare system. This criticism was grounded in the frustration of growing budget requirements for programs that did not appear to reduce the rate of poverty. Policy Recommendation free essay sample The difficulty with any definition of poverty involves the meaning of minimum needs and the amount of money required to satisfy these needs. (Ansel M. Sharp, 2010) Those in poverty sometimes face an additional obstacle to earning an adequate income. Discrimination as we use it means that equals are treated unequally or that the ‘unequal’s are treated equally. Discrimination exists in the labor market when people with equal productivity are paid different wages or people with differences in productivity are paid equal wages. Discrimination can also exist in the product market when consumers pay different prices for the same product. (Ansel M. Sharp, Evidence of Discrimination in Our Economy, 2010) Discuss the major impact to society of the problem. In 2001, some six-point-eight million families, or nine-point-two percent of all families, lived in poverty. This translates into more than thirty-two-point-nine million individuals, a staggering number to many Americans who have never been personally touched by poverty. We will write a custom essay sample on Policy Recommendation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Indeed, some have characterized those who live in poverty as the hidden poor. Studies have shown that there is a significant turnover in the poverty population: Families and single individuals move into and out of poverty several times throughout the years in response to significant life events. Although no reliable estimate exists for the number of hardcore poverty cases, the incidence of poverty can be easily seen to vary dramatically across a number of demographic characteristics. (Ansel M. Sharp, What is Poverty? , 2010) Just imagine searching through heaping piles of refuse at landfills, looking for anything that could seem partly edible, to satisfy an unending hunger. Many people around the world face this situation every day of their lives. What could have caused a situation like this to occur? The education and skill level, health or handicap status, and discrimination play a vital role in poverty. A major factor determining whether someone will end up living in poverty, education or skill level can make or break an income. Education plays a vital role in acquiring jobs, learning new skills, and bringing home necessities and comforts of life. A person who doesn’t receive an education has a very small chance of making much money and acquiring skills that would bring home a desirable income. Many who do not have an education bring their family into a cycle of poverty, where their posterity doesn’t necessarily have the income to go to college or even don’t have a desire to acquire a high school diploma. Poverty rates are higher among families with only one parent or head of household present. Poverty is also related to age, those very young and those very old have higher rates of poverty than those in their prime and middle-age years. The economic cause of poverty is family incomes depend on the quantities of resources that families can place in employment and the prices received for those resources. To understand poverty, then, it is important to understand what determines the prices paid for human and capital resources and what determines the quantities that can be employed. Under competitive market conditions, the basic principle of wage rate determination is that units of any kind of labor tend to be paid a price equal to any one worker’s contribution to an employer’s total receipts. In other words, workers are paid about what they are worth to employers. What a worker is worth to an employer is referred to by economists as the marginal revenue product of labor. (Ansel M. Sharp, The Economic Causes of Poverty, 2010) Market discrimination may be traced to two primary sources. These are the power to discriminate in the market and the desire to discriminate. In our complex market economy, the wages of workers vary widely. Even workers hired by the same employer to perform similar jobs are often paid different wage rates. The meaning of wage discrimination is clear enough: unequal pay for equal contributions. But proving discrimination depends on being able to distinguish among individuals on the basis of individual efforts and productivity. Generally, humans are paid pproximately what they are worth in a competitive economy. (Ansel M. Sharp, Evidence of Discrimination in Our Economy, 2010) Employment discrimination means that some people are not hired because of non-economic characteristics such as race or gender. Two individuals with the same training, education, and experience apply for a job, however one is black and one is white. If both do not have the same chance of getting the job, discrimination has entered into the decision-making process. There is a growing belief that discriminatory differences in pay, especially gender differences in pay, occur largely because of occupational segregation. In general, men work in occupations that employ very few women, and women work in occupations that employ very few men. The economic results of occupational segregation for women are low wages. Women are often relegated to occupations where productivity and experience have little to do with their status and where opportunities for overtime and premium pay are limited. Price discrimination occurs when people of different races or genders are forced to pay different prices for the same good or service, provided the differences are not due to differences in cost of serving the consumer. (Ansel M.